@article{oai:kyukyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000117, author = {経済学部BSCマネジメント委員会 and BSC Management Committee of Faculty of Economics, Kyushu Kyoritsu University}, issue = {2}, journal = {九州共立大学研究紀要, Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {A balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic management tool effective for making organizational activities transparent and drawing commitment from stakeholders of organizations for fulfilling their goals. The present study aims to explore the possibilities of innovation that BSC can introduce for managing university organizations. The study is based on an examination of our experience of applying BSC to the management of the Faculty of Economics at Kyushu Kyoritsu University. First, we review BSC theories and three cases of BSC application to university management in Japan. Next, we examine our practice of applying BSC to the management of the faculty. The examination indicates that BSC-driven faculty management innovation is successful under the following conditions: - there is integration of three aspects: (1) BSC as an operation framework, (2) an organizational structure that supports BSC, and (3) activities by organizational members guided by BSC; - BSC is presented in a manner that is attractive to faculty members, staff, students, local communities, and other diverse stakeholders, i.e., when it is not treated as a tool for the top management to merely control the faculty but to promote interaction among stakeholders. - users keep BSC modified according to changes in environmental conditions, i.e., when it is not used as a static tool; and - the top management embraces innovation driven by the BSC-based faculty management. Finally, we conclude the discussion by emphasizing on the future need of reshaping faculty culture to ensure continued support for using BSC for management of the faculty.}, pages = {45--61}, title = {大学におけるバランスト・スコアカード経営の可能性 : 九州共立大学経済学部の取組みを事例に}, volume = {2}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ケイザイガクブBSCマネジメントイインカイ} }