@article{oai:kyukyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000147, author = {八板, 昭仁 and 青柳, 領 and 倉石, 平 and 野寺, 和彦 and YAITA, Akihito and AOYAGI, Osamu and KURAISHI, Osamu and NODERA, Kazuhiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州共立大学研究紀要, Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University}, month = {Sep}, note = {This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the decision-making ability in a fast-break offense and past basketball careers of university basketball players. The samples were 158 university basketball players (87 boys and 71 girls). The surveyed basketball career items were the past athletic level of his/her team and his/her position during school ages. The relationship between the basketball career items and the “decision-making ability scores computed from the decision-making factors extracted by Yaita and Aoyagi (2014)” were examined using Quantification Theory Type One. As a result, in a simple play directly leading to a shot, the player with various experiences in his/ her elementary school age had the tendency to have the excellent decision-making ability presently. This finding led us to the indication that past high-level game experiences in elementary and/or junior high schools influenced the present decision-making ability. On the other hand, in multitask plays with many options such as the transition trying to fast-break when switching from defense to offense, many career factors impacted the present decision-making ability in addition to age and position. However, we also found some plays that the past basketball career significantly influenced the present decision-making ability. This showed that even in young ages, there were the plays in which decision-making ability should be trained. In short, coaches for young basketball players should teach the plays related to the decision-making ability considering student’s continuing developmental stages, without taking a short view.}, pages = {13--23}, title = {バスケットボールの速攻における状況判断能力への過去の所属チームの 競技レベルとポジション経験の影響}, volume = {7}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヤイタ, アキヒト and アオヤギ, オサム and クライシ, オサム and ノデラ, カズヒコ} }