@article{oai:kyukyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000284, author = {森, 誠護 and 下野, 晃 and 尾関, 一将 and 田場, 昭一郎 and MORI, Seigo and SHIMONO, Akira and OZEKI, Kazumasa and TABA, Shoichiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州共立大学研究紀要, Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University}, month = {Sep}, note = {The purpose of this study is to develop a new swimming power measurement apparatus with improved Drag Boat (DB). The name of this apparatus is Improved Drag Boat (IDB), and the measurement system using IDB is verified. IDB is as large as a floating kickboard. The body is made of wood, and the load can be selected from five different levels. Drag force and swimming power can be calculated by measuring swimming velocity. Calibration of this system was performed using a towing equipment (Active Drag System, ADS). Towing velocity was in the range of 0.4〜2.2m/s. The subjects were four male competitive swimmers. They swam 25m front crawl at maximum effort in free swimming. The speed at this time was defined as the maximal swimming velocity (MSV). Semi-tethered swimming was performed using DB and IDB, and maximal swimming power (MSP) was calculated. Significant linear relationship was observed between towing force and swimming velocity when the subjects swam towing IDB. There was no significant correlation between MSP and MSV using DB(r = 0.817, n.s).Similarly, no significant correlation was found using IDB(r = 0.930, n.s). The swimming power calculated using IDB and the swimming power calculated using DB was found to have a significant correlation (r = 0.953, p<0.01). These results suggest that the possibility of evaluating swimming power characteristics for swimmers. However, the MSP was lower than that of DB. This is considered to be a problem with the stability of IDB at towing at low speed. This indicates that further improvement is necessary.}, pages = {23--30}, title = {簡易型泳パワー測定装置の改良と計測システムの検証}, volume = {8}, year = {2017}, yomi = {モリ, セイゴ and シモノ, アキラ and オゼキ, カズマサ and タバ, ショウイチロウ} }