@article{oai:kyukyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000037, author = {三浦, 稜将 and 八板, 昭仁 and 宮田, 睦美 and MIURA, Ryousuke and YAITA, Akihito and MIYATA, Mutsumi}, issue = {2}, journal = {九州共立大学研究紀要, Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Present study investigated the relationships between rationales for the result of attacks and success of attacks during attacks involve a receive, a toss and a spike. Quarter finals, semi-finals and final of All Japan Intercollegiate Volleyball Championships tournament were analyzed using mathematical Quantification Theory Type One. Main factors for the success of attacks were judgment of opponent’ s blocks and tosses. For the blocks, large positive influences on success of attack was observed when 3 players jumped to block and at least one player performed block 2 or block 3. On the other hand, large negative influences on success of attack was revealed when 3 players jumped to block and at least 2 players performed block 1. For the judgment of tosses, the largest influence on success of attack was shown by toss-A followed by toss-B and then toss-C. Moreover, it was found that players can be categorized into “reliable type player”, “constant type player”, “gamble type player” and “clunker type player” when regression coefficient calculated from mathematical Quantification Theory Type One was employed for the analysis.}, pages = {21--29}, title = {バレーボールのゲームにおける三段攻撃に影響する諸要因と それに関わる攻撃力の評価}, volume = {5}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ミウラ, リョウスケ and ヤイタ, アキヒト and ミヤタ, ムツミ} }