@article{oai:kyukyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000416, author = {黄, 春玉 and HUANG, Chunyu}, issue = {2}, journal = {九州共立大学研究紀要, Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {“teiru” can be followed by an action verb or a change verb to indicate the continuation of the state,. Therefore, “Zhe” can only be followed by a verb with continuous meaning, the sentence 「雪が 10センチは降っている」can not be translated into " ~ Zhe " . As for these mistranslations caused by the lack of understanding of the term, this paper, on the basis of a full analysis of the differences between Japanese and Chinese tense and aspect expressions, makes an exposition in order to provide reference for teaching translation.}, pages = {67--74}, title = {日本語のアスペクト形式「ている」の中国語訳について}, volume = {11}, year = {2021} }