@article{oai:kyukyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000442, author = {中山, 伸介 and NAKAYAMA, Shinsuke}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州共立大学研究紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {Today, "Global warming" is an extremely well-known word that everyone in the world knows. However, little is known about which international organization is specifically discussing and consolidating this issue, which is also related to the survival of humankind across national borders. In this report, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), which brings together the wisdom of researchers from around the world and has a great impact on the policies of each country, on the causes, impacts, and countermeasures of global warming caused by human activities. On this research, 1st Working Group Report (Natural Science Basis) in the 6th Report published last year was reviewed on the outline (headline statement) of the Policymakers' Summary (SPM).}, pages = {13--18}, title = {IPCC(気候変動に関する政府間パネル)における第6次評価報告書の一考察 ―第1作業部会報告書政策決定者向け要約を中心に―}, volume = {13}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ナカヤマ, シンスケ} }