@article{oai:kyukyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000066, author = {張, 冬梅 and ZHANG, Dongmei}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州共立大学研究紀要, Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University}, month = {Sep}, note = {With the further development of the integration of the world economy, the education in China’s higher vocational colleges ushers in the full-scale reform and improvement, and the reform of Japanese teaching in these higher vocational colleges is getting much more attention and greater importance has been attached to it. This thesis is centered on the present condition and problems of Japanese teaching in China’s higher vocational colleges and it takes for example the present teaching condition in Japanese Department of Shanghai Industry & Commerce Foreign Languages College. By analyzing and researching the role of collective teaching preparation in practical teaching and practical ability training, the thesis concludes that collective teaching preparation plays an indispensable role in practical Japanese teaching and gives some suggestions on issues that should be noticed in collective teaching preparation.}, pages = {31--35}, title = {上海工商外国語職業学院における実践的な日本語授業の準備 : グループでの授業設計を中心に}, volume = {4}, year = {2013} }