@article{oai:kyukyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000073, author = {川面, 剛 and 八板, 昭仁 and 大山, 泰史 and 青柳, 領 and 今村, 律子 and KAWAZURA, Tsuyoshi and YAITA, Akihiro and OYAMA, Yasufumi and AOYAGI, Osamu and IMAMURA, Ritsuko}, issue = {2}, journal = {九州共立大学研究紀要, Study journal of Kyushu Kyoritsu University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In basketball, fast-break and early-offense are called “progressive plays” because the ball is continuously advanced from the back-court through the front-court to the basket. In a progressive play, the preceding play and situation are related to the subsequent play and situation. The plays are not necessarily chosen freely due to the former play or situation. The plays and situations that are related to each other and are frequently performed in sequence are referred to as nagare in Japanese. This study investigated the relationship between the preceding and subsequent play and condition in the nagare of a progressive play in basketball. We observed and evaluated 658 plays considered either fast-break or early-offense plays. These plays took place during 12 games between the RF team and 6 other teams in the same bj League (Japanese Professional Basketball League) held in 2009 and 2010. A total of 17 items, such as “How the opponent’ s ball was taken away,” “The number of defensive players putting pressure on the ball man when taking the ball,” and “Distance (length) from the end line to the place where the ball was taken away,” were assessed. As categorical and continuous scales were mixed in the data, we used the t-test for a correlation coefficient for two continuous variables, the chi-test for two discrete variables, and analysis of variance for continuous and discrete variables. Considering significant relationships among variables, we found the following 3 nagare: When we paid attention to the ball-taking-away method, we found a nagare that was started from the ball-taking-away by a steal/intercept, through conveying the ball on the center lane by two players mainly using dribbling and finishing with a lay-up shot under the goal. When we paid attention to the play just after the ball was taken away, we found a nagare in which under-goal lay-up shooting was allowed under the conditions that many defensive players put pressure on the ball man, the distance from the end line to the ball-taking-away place was farther, and the ball could be conveyed through only the middle lane. When we noted the duration time from taking the ball to shooting the ball and the ball-conveyed lane, the following three nagare were detected: In the case of the short ball-conveying time from the ball-taking-away to the center line and the ball-conveying lanes through only the middle lane, small outnumbered situations (e.g., 2 to 1 and 3 to 2) appeared and a short duration from center line to shooting allowed the use of a lay-up shot under the goal; the middle-to-middle ball-conveying allowed for 2-point shooting by an early offense using the trailers (e.g., 4 to 3 and 5 to 4); and long ball-conveying duration time from the ball-taking to the center line and ball-conveying middle to middle lines allowed for 3-point shooting because of loose matching, even though players were not out-numbered (e.g., 4 to 4 or 5 to 5)., 本研究では,ファストブレイクやアーリーオフェンスなどのボールを絶えず前へ進める「前進型プレイ」にお いて,時系列にプレイした状況が次の状況を発生させる「プレイの流れ」があることに着目し,各状況間の相関 を手がかりにそれらを構成するプレイや状況を明らかにすることであった.そして,2009年および2010年度の bjリーグ所属するRFチームを対象とし,12試合でファストブレイクやアーリーオフェンスを試みたと見なされ る658プレイを調査し,得られたデータの尺度水準に応じて積率相関係数,一元配置の分散分析,クロス表の調 整残差を検討した結果,以下のような関連や「流れ」が認められた.  1)ボール獲得方法に着目すると,スティールやインターセプトによるボール獲得からは,ドリブルによってミ ドルレーンでボールを前進させながら,2人のプレイヤーによって攻撃し,ゴール下でシュートするという「流れ」 が認められた.  2)ボール獲得後の最初のプレイに着目すると「ボール獲得時のボールDF数が多い」「ボール獲得エリアがエン ドラインから遠い」「ミドルレーンを進めることができる」という状況下では,ドリブルを使える状況であればゴー ル下までボールを進めてショットできるという傾向が認められた.  3)ボールの運び局面における「ボール獲得からショットまでの時間」および「ボールを進めたレーン」に着目 すると,ボール獲得からCLまでを短時間にミドルからミドルでボールを進めた場合は,2対1や3対2のような少 人数のアウトナンバーになる傾向があり,CLを越えてからシュートまでの時間が短ければゴール下でシュート するという「流れ」が認められた.そして,ミドルからサイドでボールを進めた場合は,4対3や5対4のようなトレー ラーを使ったアーリーオフェンスによって2点エリアでシュートするという「流れ」が認められた.また,ボー ル獲得からCLまでボールを進める時間が他のプレイよりも長く,「サイドからサイド」でボールを進めた場合は, 4対4や5対5といったOFとDFの人数が同じであってもしっかりとした対峙の状態ではないことによって3点エリ アでシュートするという「流れ」が認められた.}, pages = {31--47}, title = {バスケットボールの「前進型」プレイの「流れ」}, volume = {4}, year = {2014}, yomi = {カワズラ, ツヨシ and ヤイタ, アキヒト and オオヤマ, ヤスフミ and アオヤギ, オサム and イマムラ, リツコ} }